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The App for all foragers.

  • Record places and findings
  • Encrypted sensitive data
  • Forage responsibly
  • offline usable features


  • Manage your places and findings
  • Manage your harvest times
  • Find places to revisit
  • Find your own location
  • Data on your device and on our server
  • Encrypted sensitive data
  • Data sycronized on multiple devices
  • Offline map: multiple map areas
  • Responsible sharing

How do I get started?

1. Register for free

With the free registration you get access to ForgetMeNot and the data server. We only need minimal information from you to protect access to your data.

2. Try 30 days for free

Immediately after registration you can try ForgetMeNot for 30 days. With a few exceptions*, all features are available to you.

3. Then e.g. 5 € per year

With your contribution you support the operation of the data server, the development of new features for ForgetMeNot and our work at Wilde Kultur in general.

Start now

*) New, experimental features are not available in trial mode.

The golden rules

Forage responsibly

  1. Only take as much as you will really process.
  2. If the population is small, you better leave it there.
  3. For eating, only collect what you can identify beyond any doubt.
  4. Protected plants and mushrooms are taboo!